Rejection can be a common and significant part of any voice-over life, especially when beginning your career. If it were a physical product we were selling, it would be much easier to handle a...
There are many different philosophies and suggestions on the "best" recording level for voice-over. However, I'm going to show you my approach. I'll explain precisely what that level is for me...
The fourth stage of Voice-Over production workflow is Mastering, which occurs at the end of your production process. You must record, edit, process, increase the loudness, and deliver your...
Can plugins fix my untreated room echo?
One of my most popular requests is to resolve someone's room echo in their voice-over recordings. This challenge is prevalent, especially for beginning...
Overcome Your Mic's Boxy Sound.
One of the most frustrating issues among voice-over artists is the "boxy sound" that can come from our microphone. The problem can sometimes be solved with EQ....
The video training course, Optimum Recording Levels For Voice-Over by Voice-Over Audio Engineer Lenny B, is available now! Achieving the proper recording level may seem like a mystery. This...
A new training course developed by Voice-Over audio engineer Lenny B is now available. The quick and affordable video training course called, Learn Acoustic Treatment For Voice-Over...
How do you improve your voice-over recording quality? How do some voice-over artists achieve an excellent recording sound for film, broadcast, and other professional productions? What is the...
What is normalization for Voice-Over? If you record voice-overs, when should you use it? When shouldn't you use it? One of the uses for normalization is to help you get a proper voice-over...
Excellent Voice-over recording quality is not easy to achieve, especially when recording in your home studio. There are several essential items that you need if you want to acquire a...
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