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How To Set the Ultravoice UV1 For Great Voice-Overs

A channel strip processor by Behringer called the Ultravoice UV1 competes in the voice recording market. The processor is highly similar to the famous DBX 286s channel strip. However, the Behringer...

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Acoustic Treatment Modifications For Better Voice Over


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Controlling the sound in your recording space will give you the most significant improvement in quality for recorded voice-over. And it doesn't always have to be complicated or...

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Should I Use EQ On My Voice Over?

The journey you take by learning voice-over production leads to this question. Should I use EQ for my voice-over? The fact that you are curious about this subject confirms that you are on the right...

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Adobe Audition Preset For Voice Over Processing


Get a good voice-over sound using only the included effects found in Adobe Audition including EQ, Dynamics, and the DeEsser.

One of my clients requested a custom processing chain but only wanted to...

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Avalon 737sp Custom Settings For A Professional Voice Over Sound.


Wow, what a sound! The VT Avalon 737 sp is one of the most popular channel strips for professional voice-over artists. The price of the actual hardware unit is out of reach for most, but...

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How To EQ Voice Over On The AKG C-214 Microphone

Watch as I use EQ to professionally process a voice over. Listen to the before and after EQ sound on the popular AKG C-214 microphone. All voice audio in this video was captured using the AKG C-214...

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What's The Best Voice Over Microphone On A Budget?

If you’re looking for a good budget microphone to record your voice for podcasting, voice overs, vlogs, or streaming, you might consider the very popular audio-technica AT2020. In this...

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Voice Over (EQ and Compression Walkthrough)

In this video, I walk you through my steps to process a female voice over recording, and transform it into a big, commanding broadcast sound. Instead of explaining what the compressor and EQ does,...

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DBX 286s Set Up For Voice Over (Walkthrough)



I walk you through each section of the DBX 286s microphone processor and show you how to achieve a big, professional, voice-over sound from this device. With the explanation in this video,...

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What Does A Professional Voice Over Processing Chain Sound Like?

Several different effects are applied to a professional voice over recording, creating a custom tuned processing chain for a voice over artists from Reading PA. Walkthrough the settings for the...

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