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Universal Audio Plugins Custom Preset Installation Guide

After your purchase, you will receive the preset files (as a single .zip file) via email or dropbox. Save the attached .zip file to your local computer and unzip the file and keep...

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Logic Pro Only Plugins Custom Preset Installation Guide

Logic Pro Only Preset Installation Guide:

The presets for you to install are attached to this email. You'll need to place the attached files in this folder on your Mac:


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How To Save Adobe Audition Effects Rack (Instructions)

To save the custom plugin settings and plugin order (configuration) to Adobe Audition on your local machine, follow the instructions below.

Step #1 - Open the Adobe Audition multitrack session...

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Installing Custom Waves Plugin Settings

Once you have purchased the Waves plugins that we've used for your custom setting, you will need to use "Waves Central" to install and license those respective plugins. Waves Central is...

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