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Record Quiet And Loud Voice-Overs Simultaneously Without Distorting

If you record any type of voice-over, you are familiar with the recording level struggle. Setting a good level is easy for consistent conversational speech. However, setting a good recording level...

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What Is The Best Recording Level For Voice-Overs?

There are many different philosophies and suggestions on the "best" recording level for voice-over. However, I'm going to show you my approach. I'll explain precisely what that level is for me...

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Never Set a Wrong Voice-Over Recording Level Ever Again!

The video training course, Optimum Recording Levels For Voice-Over by Voice-Over Audio Engineer Lenny B, is available now! Achieving the proper recording level may seem like a mystery. This...

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What is Normalization For Voice-Over? When Should I Use it?

What is normalization for Voice-Over? If you record voice-overs, when should you use it? When shouldn't you use it? One of the uses for normalization is to help you get a proper voice-over...

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How To Set The Proper Recording Level For Voice-Over

Adjust the input gain on your interface to achieve your recording level. Using your daw to adjust the file level after recording is not a solution. Your goal should be to reach as high as possible...

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Recording Level Vs. Mastering Level

One of the most common questions I receive is about loudness. I often get asked, "Why do some recordings sound so loud?" or "how do I get my recording loud without distorting? The answer is...

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