There are many different philosophies and suggestions on the "best" recording level for voice-over. However, I'm going to show you my approach. I'll explain precisely what that level is for me and why I think it is the best choice. Getting a good recording level is the foundation and the infrastructure of a professional sound. If you don’t get a proper recording level for your voice, you could have less-than-optimal sound quality, and nothing you do after the fact can resolve the issue altogether. However, when done correctly, a proper recording level prepares your final audio to sound great.
This Is The Best Recording Level For Voice-Over
Use your preamp (or audio interface's) gain to adjust the recording level so it's as high as possible while NEVER peaking over -6db on your peak meter. Averaging between -18db and -10db on the peak meter is healthy.
Here's Why It's The Best Recording Level For Voice-Overs
Getting as high as you can while never peaking over -6 dB gives you the least amount of noise in the system, optimizes interaction with processing effects (plugins), and gives you massive leeway during the mixing process. It also standardizes your voice-over products (consistency).
I've produced an affordable and quick video training course called Optimum Recording Level For Voice-Over. Once you complete this course, you will feel confident that the RAW recordings you send to your clients look and sound professional, you’ll feel confident that your recordings are well-prepped for processing and mastering, and you’ll feel confident that your recordings will have a standard high-quality consistency from one project to the next, just like the pros. The training course includes:
A custom processing preset for your voice-over is a series of plugins explicitly tuned for your voice, in your room, and on your microphone. If you want to compete in today's voice-over world, you must ensure that your demos and auditions are extraordinary. Voice-over artists at every experience level from all over the world are fighting to win work. However, if you don't have a professional sound, you will lose out to someone who does.
Custom voice-over processing presets can take your audio presentation quality to the level necessary to compete with the pros. Instead of taking it upon yourself to tweak the parameters like EQ, compression, DeEssing, and saturation to name a few, you can hire a professional voice-over audio engineer to create it for you. Once you have the custom preset on your system, you have "The Sound" every time you press the record button. The investment pays for itself with the money and time saved. Here are the top reasons why they are so popular:
Once you submit your voice for processing, you will be notified if your audio recording quality needs improvement or if it's ready for prime time. If your production quality needs improvement, you will be offered suggestions to help identify and resolve any issues before being asked to resubmit audio. On the other hand, if your audio recording quality is up to par, you will receive a sample of your custom-tuned processed sound to review for free.
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